Okay - I Gave in to the Man
I have started Pay Per Posting, as you will see. However, I am still com-posting. So keep reading!
Reinvention - Using my knowledge, my sophistication, my imagination, I can make my life what I want it to be.
I have started Pay Per Posting, as you will see. However, I am still com-posting. So keep reading!
Planted by
No Mas
8:15 PM
Huh ? What is pay-per posting ???
And how are you feeling ?
I saw that advertised. Recently and was considering it. Not sure if they would want a picture of a guy in a kilt with his sac hanging out next to a "pay post"though.
can you link me their website?
Lordy, Lordy, I stopped doing anything for money, years ago.
So good luck with your latest adventure
Anne & Hammer: the site is PayPerPost.com
They will pay you to write little ads and post them on your blog. There are a few requirements for each ad, you can only post 2 ads per day and each ad must be separated by your own post on a "regular" subject. Bur you get to select which item you want to write about.
I feel okay this AM but I just took the meds that had me spinning yesterday. I have to go back to the doc for blood pressure check this morning. Thanks for asking Anne.
Hammer - If you sign up for PayPerPost - tell them I refered you cause they will give me a pitance.
cool will do.
I'll probably need to start another blog if they want "normal" posts :)
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