Fencing for Clumsy Idiots
By Dick's request, here are a couple of pictures, taken yesterday, of my shin that was raped by barbed wire February 24th. Yes, I know I should have gotten stitches, but damn it, I didn't. Probably gonna need a plastic surgeon.... (Oh, and Dick, I measured the length and despite what guys have been telling me about measurements, the wound is a mere 6 inches, not 8, but it is very deep.) Don't ask for the details, cause I'll have to give a cockamamy story.

Yes, I do shave my legs; however, I had to be careful around THAT area! Give me a break!
Okay, Dick, I showed you mine....
HOLY SHIT! if you use goldenseal root powder on it it will make it heal much faster and the scar much smaller. just sprinkle it on before bed a piece of gauze will keep the medicine on the wound.
I hope you feel better soon.
Thanks Hammer, I'll try it. A little ole scratch like that doesn't hold up the work oad around here! ha ha
That looks so wrong. Dude what did you do? I am one of them damn yanks. That is one horrible freak'in cut
Found you through Loud Tour... your blog is pretty kick ass. Rock on with all that Jazz, I will return, unless you blacklist me... I would blacklist me if I could...
If your gonna live on the farm, you better get yourself some butterfly strips.
You can also sew up stuff like that with floss.
Oh, as far as the details...
Let me guess. You were climbing over a fence, boot slipped off the wire, weight of your body sled against blah, blah, blah...
That is just wrong! What in the world did you do?
OhMyGoodness, NoMas !!! That is SERIOUSLY deep ! Are you sure it is free of infection ? It looks so red still ! Which might be normal, but, OWWWWW !
I betcha Hammer had a good suggestion, but I'd hurry to a plastic surgeon as soon as you can -- are you driving there today, ???
Please take care of it -- and yourself.
That is one nasty cut
must hurt like hell.
take care of that!
Wow. Just in visiting from Dicks place. Nice job you did there. Hydrogen peroxide soaks on that every now & then wouldn't hurt. That'll beep the little beasties out of there. Or at least kill the ones that try to invade.
Keep a good eye on that or you'll end up with a scar like I have on my right shin. Getting it fixed hurt worse than getting messed up in the first place.
That is a nasty cut. I've never seen one so bad from barbed wire before!
Its stuff like this that makes me refuse to watch shows like Dr.90210. Man that looks rough. I hope you are not in too much pain! Here is wishing you a speedy recovery and healing!
That's gonna leave a mark. Should be a hell of a lot of fun pullin' scabs though.
It looks pretty nasty. Like some scars I've picked up over the years.
Hey, as long as it doesn't get infected. Good country folk can take some beating, I'm right proud of you.
It will give you some caricature, now just how cool is that?
& I was going to show you my paper cut...
jeez, that is nasty!
Demon23: thanks for stopping by. I'll swing over to check u out.
Dick: "sew up stuff like that with floss" Are u freaking kidding? I am using butterfly strips. Hell, I was too ignorant to have on boots, otherwise my leg would have been somewhat protected!
Farm Fairy: I cut through the fence while wearing shorts and sandals. The donkey decided to butt me through.
Anne: I have managed to avoid infection, thank goodness.
TK: Every once in awhile it throbs like hell.
Brian: thanks for stopping in. I clean it twice daily with peroxide.
Shawn: At least it is on the same leg as a previous barbed wire injury that wasn't near as bad.
Fox: it does hurt like hell on occasion.
FatHairy: yuck! Trying to avoid letting it scab over. Supposedly that will reduce scarring. I ain't picking nothing!
BCC: Yeah, but I'd prefer not to be injured so often or so badly.
Tart: those darn paper cuts can be brutal!
How are you feeling today, Nomas ?
The hydrogen peroxide was a good suggestion. Have you seen a doctor yet ?
Wear it with Pride darlig like I wear mine on my face:)
Mindless: I should've gone to the emergency room, but alas....
Wally: What happened to you?
Sweet lil lady what hasnt happned to me. whip scars on body and face. Missing an eye. Scar that runs down from my forhead to my neck makes your very painfull gash look like cat scratch. Its ok its been a long time I look like a monster I'm good with it. Allthough I am kinda mad at your hubby for letting you get cut like that. He must be feeling like crap every time he sees you there. I am so very sorry you got hurt. Angeles like you never should get hurt.
Wow, lots of war wounds. Actually, I cannot blame Hubby for this injury - I have to take full credit.
Wally, you'll have to post pictures.
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