Beauty's Death
I would do anything to see this guy running through my fields; alas, I enjoyed him for 10 days. First seeing him Christmas morning.
Reinvention - Using my knowledge, my sophistication, my imagination, I can make my life what I want it to be.
Planted by
No Mas
3:54 PM
That is a really neat looking creature close up and those eyes are gigantic. Maybe taxidermy?
He was a beauty, NoMas...
poor baby...
What is it? It doesn't look like any antelope I've ever seen in the USA.
We had a native deer population here in Dankston on the island park. People called them Ghetto Deer and they had a decidedly mangy or homeless look to them but in recent years they got quarantined in the old Children's Zoo because it was decided that they had TB or AIDS or something. Would you consider taking them in? They eat almost anything but are especially partial to old Labatts cartons.
Platy: It's a Black Buck. Ghetto deer - poor things living in the city? I had to Google Labatts' cartons - never heard of beer in a box! The rednecks around here drink crap like Bud Light.
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