How Did Your Blog Get It's Name?
Skittles asked her readers "how did your blog get it's name?" I find that interesting, so dear readers, I ask you the same!
Reinvention - Using my knowledge, my sophistication, my imagination, I can make my life what I want it to be.
Skittles asked her readers "how did your blog get it's name?" I find that interesting, so dear readers, I ask you the same!
Planted by
No Mas
9:42 AM
I'm curious as to yours as well.
Mine is from the saying:
When your only tool is a hammer every problem looks like a nail.
My blog was started as a result of frustration and anger.I wanted to take a hammer and smack the problems and idiocy that surrounded me.
It's evolved past that but I still heep my hammer handy.
A quote from Ernest Hemingway, one time Florida resident. He said Oak Park, IL, his hometown was a place of Wide Lawns and Narrow Minds. I thought it was more fitting for here. I think he would approve.
Hammer: I had never heard that saying but I bet I have some you've never heard! One of these posts I will tell my story.
Worker: Your name is perfect, Papa would approve.
I've gone by the screen name Skittles for many years. Funny, because I don't even like the candy.
Skittles: Oh well, the candy IS cute and assorted, like your posts! (deleted my previous response due to mispelling).
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